Monthly MUni Ride 03

Great winter weather and a bunch of riders, the third monthly MUni ride was a hoot! Lots of laughs, no broken bones, great success 🙂
Macedon Regional Park Cycling Trail

I headed out to Mount Macedon today looking for a off road loop suitable for the next monthly MUni ride on August 9th. The single track MTB trails at Woodend would be great to use but are just too wet at this time of the year, and with the busy MTB weekend traffic on the […]
Woodend II: Singletrack’s Revenge
The recent ride at Woodend got me thinking… of going back and riding more of the singletrack. The MTB trails in the Wombat Forest at Woodend are awesome for MUni, almost as if they were custom made for mountain unicycling! With the Freeride KH29’er ready to roll I took the video camera along to record […]
Woodend MTB Singletrack

I felt ok after the monthly MUni ride so with a break in the wet weather and the flu seemingly done and dusted it was time to start exploring the network of MTB singletrack trails at Woodend, something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. The singletrack might also be ideal for upcoming MUni group […]