Looking to buy Ibis Bikes in Australia?
Over the Edge Sports, Melrose is the answer!
6/18 Hours of Melrose
I’ll be straight with ya – I’ve never really understood what motivates people to race around and around in circles on bikes, in any event, but especially in those longer 12-24 hour endurance events.
Back to Uni
When I told my grandmother years ago that I’d go back to Uni one day I don’t think this is what either of us had in mind! I’ve got to admit that while I absolutely _love_ mountain biking to bits I have missed being out in the bush on a mountain unicycle from time to time. It’s […]
Melrose Nightlife
I headed out for an evening ride on Dodging Bullets the other day and lucked a rising full moon over the Willochra Plains,
Ibis Mojo HDR Introduction
In May 2013 I was super fortunate to be involved in the release of the Ibis Mojo HDR. The Mojo HDR Introduction video was shot over a couple of weeks in Melrose South Australia. Both the guys at Ibis and I were concerned about someone noticing the HDR and posting photos of the bike online […]
Flock O Mojo
Check this out for a flock of Ibis Mojo!
HDR Teaser
Back in early June Ibis started releasing teaser images for the Mojo HDR. Here’s a look behind the scenes at the shadow image that had guys coming up with all kinds of predictions as to what the new bike from Ibis would be, including:
Melrose 2013 Fat Tyre Festival
It’s like Woodstock for Mountain Bikers