Left Handed Misfits

Happy International Left Handers Day to all my fellow Southpaw misfits
Return of the Big Wheel

Mountain Unicycling the North South Track on a 36er
Fat Tire Fun

Take one MTB fat bike, cut it in half and what have you got? The awesome Nimbus Oregon!
Back to Uni

When I told my grandmother years ago that I’d go back to Uni one day I don’t think this is what either of us had in mind! I’ve got to admit that while I absolutely _love_ mountain biking to bits I have missed being out in the bush on a mountain unicycle from time to time. It’s […]
#GetOutThere TV Commercial

My 15 seconds of fame!
Goldfields Steam Train Challenge

What a great day the inaugural Goldfields Steam Train Challenge AKA Race the Train turned out to be! Cyclists could opt to ‘Race’ the train on the dirt trails that run beside the railway from Castlemaine to Maldon, or join in the social ‘Ride’ back from Maldon to Castlemaine.
Start Train-ing

With Race the Train this Sunday I thought it was about time to dust off the 36’er and start…err… train-ing!
Race the Train

There’s a pretty cool fun event coming up in Central Victoria called ‘Race the Train‘. Cyclists have the opportunity to ride/race alongside the Goldfields Railway Steam Train between the towns of Castlemaine and Maldon.