Butting Out

Fine and cool with virtually no wind — what a cracker of a day. Had to get out to The Butts at Mt Tarrengower this afternoon to make the most of it. I really enjoy it up there, lots of fun riding, rugged bush and boulders, views, peace and quiet… and loads of white wildflowers […]
Spring Rates

First day of Spring, cracker of a day, feeling ok with some time to spare so had to get out on the Mojo HD. Headed out to Mt Tarrengower to play around on the granite rocks and boulders above The Butts. Have hardly ridden in the last three weeks so tried to take it easy, […]
Rock and a Hard Place

The guys at The Bike Vault kindly let me take their Specialized Stumpjumper FSR 29er demo bike out while the Mojo HD’s rear wheel was getting rebuilt. I’ve had a couple of days on the demo Stumpy 29er before and had a bunch of fun.
VGR 541

Relaxing 40km XC ride today with Pete from The Bike Vault, out to Maldon and back. Lots of stuff on in Maldon this weekend incuding ‘Steam trains for kids‘ including big kids I guess!
Eagle Rocks

Days like today remind you of just how much room there is in your arse for your own head!
Supreme Shuttle

Some shake, rattle and roll in the bones after yesterday’s crash so no riding today. Instead I headed out to Maldon to walk some of the trails on Mt Tarrengower — good way to get to know them better though maybe sometimes the things you notice while walking might put you off next time you’re […]
The Butts

Not as much riding lately mainly due to a touch of the flu over the last few weeks, combined with mainly grey, cold, damp overcast days. I’ve started to feel better over the last couple of days so made the most of a sunny, clear morning — last day of Autumn — and headed out […]
VicDH Series Maldon

Headed out to Maldon this afternoon to catch the some of the racing in the final round of the Vic Downhill Series. Incredible watching the fast guys as they showed absolute commitment at the top of the course, taking the fast line through the air to clear a rocky section followed by a good size […]