Fine and cool with virtually no wind — what a cracker of a day. Had to get out to The Butts at Mt Tarrengower this afternoon to make the most of it. I really enjoy it up there, lots of fun riding, rugged bush and boulders, views, peace and quiet… and loads of white wildflowers out.
I took the video cam along — the video project has become a serious obsession, but that’s another story altogether. Here’s a couple of screengrabs:
Is this the DH track at Mt Tarrengower or is there ‘xc’ trails as well?
(Really like your blog too.)
Thanks HUD. There are 5 or so downhill tracks at Tarrengower. The pics are from an area called The Butts, you pass it at the bottom of the hill on your right, most of the downhill is on the left. There is an old downhill track above The Butts, I think it is/was called Terror. Some of the pics are on that. With nothing signposted on Tarrengower and lots of old walking, vehicle, animal tracks etc all over the place there’s no easy way to explain it – the best bet is just to go up there and start exploring, that’s what I did. It’s a lot fun that way too.