Not as much riding lately mainly due to a touch of the flu over the last few weeks, combined with mainly grey, cold, damp overcast days. I’ve started to feel better over the last couple of days so made the most of a sunny, clear morning — last day of Autumn — and headed out to Mt Tarrengower to check out the trails above the area known as The Butts.
There’s some very enjoyable XC and AM riding to be had in this section of Mt Tarrengower, especially over, in and around the many large granite boulders. The main trick is learning your way around as there are tracks and trails in varying condition scattered all over the place. Once I started to get a handle on that, I had a bunch of fun working on some rocky lines, gradually building up confidence.
Not much stamina today though, I guess that’s what the flu does to you. I was wiped out by the end of the ride. The Butts is definitely an area to explore a lot more, especially over Winter when the wetter weather tends to limit riding options elsewhere.

Got to love bike porn! 😉 Thanks for the heads up these trails. Being new to riding in Vic it is good info.