Headed out to Maldon this afternoon to catch the some of the racing in the final round of the Vic Downhill Series. Incredible watching the fast guys as they showed absolute commitment at the top of the course, taking the fast line through the air to clear a rocky section followed by a good size drop all in one go, then having to make a turn immediately on landing. No margin for error, just rocks and trees to hit if they messed up. Great crowd and atmosphere up the top too with the intensity of the chants and cheering fluctuating with the fortunes and speed of each rider.
Main things I noticed at Mt Tarrengower is generally how young downhillers are, and how relatively few of the field were really, genuinely fast amongst the rocks and risks. It reminded me of an article I saw related to why young men are more likely to participate in extreme Planking:
Psychologist Paul Martin claimed part of the reason was that the pre-frontal cortex in men aged 23 or younger – the decision management part of the brain – was not fully developed and they therefore lacked a “handbrake” and took silly risks.
Knitting until you’re 24 doesn’t seem like a whole lot of fun though!

Great video of the weekend’s racing at Maldon posted on Vimeo by Liam Renaut. Check it out! http://vimeo.com/23782369