Days like today remind you of just how much room there is in your arse for your own head!
I remember being not overly impressed with Mt Tarrengower the first time I saw it and rode down it, some time around the Summer of 1994, and that perception pretty much stayed with me until fairly recently. Nowadays the more I ride Tarrengower the more I realize it’s a MTB gold mine, with a huge variety of terrain.
Today Michael and I rode up the Lawrence St DH track to the summit, much harder than riding up the road that’s for sure, then explored a classic old trail back down and around the mount. After that I headed back to the Butts. You can easily spend hours in there exploring the boulder laden trails, and there’s also no shortage of spots were the bush gives way to impressive vistas of Central Victoria. It was at one such spot I sat and watched a pair of eagles soaring on the wind as it howled up the northern slopes.
My legs started off feeling weak and empty but picked up later on in the ride. I’ve probably ridden too much in the last week, but the combination of great weather and new tires has been too much to resist, plus the weather is forecast to crap out again in the next day or so for a while. Got a few Winter maintenance things on the Mojo HD that need doing, so good timing all round.

If you’ve got this far down the page, you must have time to burn and are ready to do the Eagle Rock. Daddy Cool, 1971… classic!