Daylesford Weekly Uni 0309

It looked like this week’s uni meet at the local skate park might get rained out, instead it turned out to be a ripper of a Spring day.
Lake Daylesford MUni Addicts

It might still officially be Winter, but out of the blue today was a perfect Spring Saturday for a uni ride around Lake Daylesford with some upcoming MUni addicts.

Had some fun off road rides over the weekend on the 20″ uni with Joell and Elijah, two students from Bullarto Primary School who started unicycling last term.
Budget Learner MUni

Now that the students at Bullarto have earnt their unicycle wings the next step is getting off smooth surfaces and onto riding off road. In a perfect world it would be great to have a collection of 20″ Trials/Mountain unicycles for the students to use once they’ve outgrown the Learner unicycles but cost-wise there isn’t […]
Bullarto’s Wheel Appeal

Students at Bullarto Primary School make the front page of the district newspaper… unicycling!
Unicycling for Everyone

Unicycling; an adventure sport for all? Hmm… cue the clown music as the view amongst non riders remains that unicycling is a prop used in circus acts and/or a skill that only few people are able to master. Curiously this sits comfortably with a surprising number of unicyclists, particularly those who ride to be noticed […]
Unicycling School, Build your Uni

After a short session mid April introducing the Bullarto kids to the world of unicycling (outside of circus) via a selection of Youtube videos and a little demo it was finally time to get started. I brought along 7 brand new learner unicycles in boxes, the first job was to assemble them. In groups of […]
School Uni Classes

On a recent trip to Melbourne I collected 10 unicycles for uni classes I’ll be running at the school my kids attend, after the Easter holidays. Should be great fun!