Unicycling; an adventure sport for all? Hmm… cue the clown music as the view amongst non riders remains that unicycling is a prop used in circus acts and/or a skill that only few people are able to master. Curiously this sits comfortably with a surprising number of unicyclists, particularly those who ride to be noticed and seen as ‘special’, even though it’s in direct conflict with their desire for unicycling to grow and be recognized as a fun thing to do.

If you love riding unicycles for the fun and feeling of being on one wheel what could be better than looking around and seeing everyone doing it? After all, ANYONE can learn to unicycle. Having spent the last couple of months running unicycling sessions at a Bullarto Primary School my answer would be ‘Not much’!

Sharing the fun of unicycling is too easy:

The unicycle will do the rest! 🙂

Keith and Elijah, Unicycling at Bullarto Primary School
Keith and Elijah, Unicycling at Bullarto Primary School

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