Chinamans Point

Ever since the Expedition Pass ride I’ve been looking forward to exploring the trails around nearby Chinamans Point but one small problem – with the recent once in a decade storms they’ve been under water!
Indi’s Ride

Our daughter Indi and I hope to do a charity ride in October so thought we’d better start doing some training. The sky was overcast but no sign of the forecast afternoon thunderstorm so we headed down to the bushland reserve behind the Botanic Gardens for spin.
Wattle Flat 29′er

Had a short but fun ride today on the KH29 MUni at Wattle Flat, a section of forest on the edge of Castlemaine. I only had time to explore a small area today, but it looks like a great playground for geared 24 MUni and larger wheel MUni – LOTS of MTB single track to […]
Monthly MUni Ride 04

After a few days of sunny weather the MTB Singletrack at Woodend was primed to be in great condition for Monthly MUni 04! The weather gods have certainly smiled on us over the last few MUni rides.
42nd Birthday MUni

Turned 42 today. Best way to celebrate? A muddy MUni ride!
Monthly MUni Ride 03

Great winter weather and a bunch of riders, the third monthly MUni ride was a hoot! Lots of laughs, no broken bones, great success 🙂
Jack Frost

The first clear sub zero night in a few weeks produced a heavy frost, like a light snow fall. Being Saturday there was time to sleep in a little, then head down to the local recreation reserve with the 29’er for a quick spin on the crunchy trails before the frost melted away.
Black Forest Trails

With a few hours to spare I headed out to start mapping the network of trails in the Black Forest with the Garmin 405. I’m not much of a GPS junky but it’s great to have when riding new areas, not to find your way around (that’s what eyes are for IMO) but to have […]