XC GUni Bars in the wild

Don’t want to get all soppy, but huge thanks to the guys who ponied up their hard earned $$$ and purchased my XC GUni Bars. They are all now sold.
XC GUni Bars for Sale

Three hand crafted ‘XC GUni’ (unicycle handle) bars were produced in the same batch as the two I’ve used for the last 18 months or more on both my KH36 and KH24 GUni (and KH36 GUni before that).
KH24 GUni with XC Bar

The KH 24″ GUni was missing one thing – my home grown XC handle bar. I fitted a spare handle bar I’d been holding onto today and headed down to the local recreation reserve for a test ride. The reserve is handy as it has a good mix of terrain and is close to home.
The XC GUNI Bar Project

Not long after my KH36 arrived in early October 2008 I started thinking about XC handle bars for unicycles. The KH36 is so much fun to ride off road and the longer rides, higher speeds and nature of the 36″ wheel seemed ideally suited to XC style bars of some sort. The arrival of my […]