Happy Valley

Widow Makers!

The Bike Around the Bay in Melbourne was on today. I had entered again as it was great fun last year on the 36’er – over 16,000 cyclists and 2 unicyclists –   but after a week of wet weather and a couple of early starts for a new job I decided to stay at […]

The Tunnel

Old mining tunnel

A while back I overheard some MTB riders talking about a cool single track trail in the Wombat Forest that passes through an old gold mining area, with most of the track cut into the hillside and at times a steep drop down to the river on one side. Sounded great!

Local Reserve Spring

Lulu, Uni Bitch

After yesterday’s glitch a take it easy ride was in order. Spring is such a great time to be outdoors – green, cool and lots of water around.

Trailer Track Torque

Isolated thunderstorms with hail, sounded like the ideal weather forecast for a ride! I hadn’t checked the various bolts as per Schlumpf’s recommended torque settings for a week so figured I’d better do that before heading out. Maintenance, one of the joys of a geared hub.

Swaby Lane Single Track

KH24 GUni

I headed out today to explore a network of motocross bush tracks running off Swaby Lane. Apart from a brief look I’ve ignored these trails in the past as they’re too far from home to ride out to on a single speed 24, and too crazy to enjoy on larger wheels.

Tubeless KH24″ GUni

I’ve been super happy with the tubeless conversion on my KH36’er so decided to go tubeless on the KH24 GUni.

Night GUni

I hadn’t dragged my kids out for a night uni photo session for ages. The 24 GUni needed a clean so we headed into the nearby forest for a night uni washing session, MUni style!

Reed and Bleed

Reed and Bleed

I had a bit of a curse the other day while bleeding the Magura brakes on my 24. It’s not a difficult job but without an extra pair of hands it can be a fiddly process. I had another curse or two today, when it was my turn to bleed!