I headed out today to explore a network of motocross bush tracks running off Swaby Lane. Apart from a brief look I’ve ignored these trails in the past as they’re too far from home to ride out to on a single speed 24, and too crazy to enjoy on larger wheels.

The 24 GUni is perfect for this kind of adventure – motoring out along trails to the area you want to explore, having ‘the ride’, then motoring back home – lots more forest to explore using this approach!

After several days of wet and cold weather the sun blasted out this morning – a nice cool Spring day, a lot of water running through the forest creeks, and great riding conditions. Gotta get out as much as possible before Summer so did a quick torque check of the Schlumpf hub related stuff and headed out.

ATM over the length of most rides it looks like I’m achieving similar overall average speed as on the 29’er, though the ride experience is a lot different on the 24 GUni – slower than a 29’er in 1:1 but able to tackle harder terrain, faster than a 29’er in 1:1.5. You really notice the extra physical effort on the 24 GUni. I guess as time goes on my average speed on the GUni will increase. I’m looking forward to using it in a few MTB Orienteering events over Summer too.
The motocross guys have put in a lot of single track in the Swaby Lane area. Unfortunately there is also a lot of erosion on the trails due to the combination of little ground cover (burnt), rain, track design (often straight up and down hills) and big spinning moto tires – you could loose a uni in some of the grooved, chewed out trails, not shown below 🙂
There aren’t too many cleared hills or rocky outcrops in the Wombat Forest you can climb to get a view of the surrounding area. It was fun to find one today. With lots of large rocks it could be a great spot for natural trials course, with a view!

Found lots of insane climbs and descents on the eastern side of the rocky outcrop.

A good size chunk of the forest around Swaby Lane burnt a year or so ago, it’s great to see some regrowth kicking in. The combination of black tree trunks and fresh green foilage is both eerie and scenic. It’s also a reminder that Summer and the bush fire season isn’t too far off 🙁
I had hoped to complete a longer loop but ran out of time. I took the ‘main dirt road’ shortcut home and scooted downhill through the forest in 1:1.5, getting up over 25km/h at times. GREAT fun!