Early Birds

Fun early ride with Guy and Andy from Melbourne around Baco and the trails heading across towards Barkers Creek. Followed up by a cool down in the pool. Tough way to start the day!
Spring Equinox – A little movie

Heya, here’s a little video I’ve made — it’s been a wee labor of love the last month or so. I guess it’s about the Spring wildflowers, magpies and mountain biking… or it could be about a mid 40’s guy having yet another immensely enjoyable mid life crisis.
Ken’s Loop

Had a fun time on Ken’s Loop (or Ken’s Track) this week. It flows well and has a bit of everything — rocks, smooths, ups, downs, fasts, slows — and is in great condition ATM.
Man in Black

Been feeling like Johnny Cash lately, not because of the many times my dad played his records as a kid, but because the riding stuff I’ve been wearing over and over and over is black… ok not exactly, but pretty dark overall.
Poverty Gully

Warm, sunny Spring morning. I was itching to get out and make the most of a couple of spare hours after work, so I headed over to Poverty Gully as I hadn’t been over that way for a while. It’s good fun with some scrabbly rock sections, lots of cruisey single track, a few short climbs, […]
Four Seasons

Scraping the ice off the car windscreen in the morning, scrubbing the pool clean in the afternoon – it’s gotta be Spring in Victoria!
Cruising the Woods

After the drought ending rain earlier in the year the woods are jam packed with an amazing display of wildflowers this Spring. On a fine Saturday afternoon bizarrely you don’t come across anyone else out on the trails. It makes for great riding in a selfish kind of way but the lack of people out […]
Crash Test Dummy

Here’s the funny thing about turns in the trail – they curve instead of going straight, go figure!