Heya, here’s a little video I’ve made — it’s been a wee labor of love the last month or so. I guess it’s about the Spring wildflowers, magpies and mountain biking… or it could be about a mid 40’s guy having yet another immensely enjoyable mid life crisis.

Humor a hippie and watch it. If you think the video sucks, close your eyes and just enjoy the music — Old Pine by Ben Howard — it’s groovy music! 🙂

The video was shot on a Panasonic Lumix GH2. Crank up Youtube’s quality setting to 720p HD or greater and view full screen. What else is bandwidth for hey?

7 Responses

  1. Hi Pete,

    Great video mate, I especially love the Magpies choraling throughout it. Music’s nice too. All static camera work, how come no GoPro?



  2. Heya thanks Dmac!

    I wanted to learn to drive the GH2 better for video, and wanted the video all to have that look so yeah gave the GoPro a rest.

    Doing it by myself meant a steady cam was out too, so yeah all static shots. Am making a home made steady cam though for next time around.

    It sucked up so many hours, but I really enjoyed it. Don’t think the old PC did though!

  3. Good to see a well put together video of riding that mere mortals can aspire to. Don’t get me wrong I love watching people sending big hucks and gaps at speed… 😉 but I also like videos that show the essence of MTBing. Well done!


  4. Hi Pete! Found your site and this video. Such a great video. Nice, calm and action-packed in very nice scenary. Thumbs up for the effort making that. Liked, that is was so calm to watch, by the static filming.

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