Been feeling like Johnny Cash lately, not because of the many times my dad played his records as a kid, but because the riding stuff I’ve been wearing over and over and over is black… ok not exactly, but pretty dark overall.
The shirt is getting worn now which is a bummer, I got it in 2008 as part of the Around the Bay in a Day (rode the 36″ uni which was good fun… with +16000 cyclists, NUTS!). It’s one of those comfy loose fitting, quick drying cycling kinda shirts. Tight fitting shirts aren’t my thing, nor is riding around looking like a billboard… so yeah, not a lot of choices in the kit drawer — which happens to come in handy for continuity when taking video over a bunch of days.
So with Man in Black kit on I headed out to Ken’s Track and had a bunch of fun messing around for a few hours, including coming across the sapling I clip with the handlebar more often than not, it’s just on the entry to a fast-ish turn and small enough that you’re tempted to ignore it. Just clipped it with my shoulder this time, an upgrade compared to running straight into things I guess 😛
Some good rain forecast in the next couple of days, looking forward to it as it’s been fairly dry and dusty the last month or so. Service on the front end of the Mojo HD did the trick too – no more creaks, SWEET!