Fuel Reduction
From the bulldozer activity today it looks like the fuel reduction burn planned for earlier in the Summer is now on the cards for a large area of bush on the north west edge of town, the aim being to reduce the risk and severity of catastrophic bush fire events by reducing the amount of […]
Muckleford Brew
Some aching in the legs so went out for a light XC ride to detox. I headed out to Maldon along tracks and trails that follow the Victorian Goldfields Railway.
Vaughan Springs GDT
I headed out in the middle of the day along the Great Dividing Trail looking for a flowy stretch of trail shown in one of the Rocky Rider videos on Youtube.
Reverse to First
Another spec’y cool, clear morning. Fired up the Mojo and headed out Baco way including a full reverse lap of Ken’s. It’s the first time I’d ridden Ken’s in the reverse direction and really enjoyed it, definitely a few sections that have a better flow in reverse. A few sections though were clearly made to […]
Gold in them thar hills
With rain forecast over the next day or so thought it would be worth squeezing in a ride. The work van was up at the mechanics in Wesley Hill and needed picking up, a one way ride opportunity too good to miss.
Kung Fu on Wheels
Unless you work in the bike industry where a continuous stream of cool wheeled goodies come and go, if you’re anything like me your current ride is your world. When you’re not riding it, chances are you’re obsessing about it — component choices, pressures, maintenance, reliving previous rides, dreaming about rides to come.
Baco Groomers
Another spec’y fine ‘summer’ day, cool enough to head out for a midday ride, love this weather pattern!
Phew… the world isn’t flat
What a flat, dry, treeless, hot and rocky um err.. landscape — who would want to live or ride there? That was my first impression of Central Victoria in the mid 90’s, the mission being to see where my partner grew up and meet her family. Funny really, as I now realize that any time […]