GoPro Chesty

Didj the dog, clearly amused by the Chesty birthday gift!

I got a cool gift from my fam for my birthday, a GoPro Chesty strap, but haven’t had a chance to mess around with it as I’ve been sick with the flu since and haven’t been out on the bike. Such a nice day outside today I thought screw the flu, I’m outta here.

Baco Trails

Baco Mojo

Had a sweet late afternoon/early evening ride out Baco — so many trails, the more you ride the more you find, great fun piecing it all together.  It was a treat to be out so late in the bush, as usually with my early morning shifts I’m off to bed early but with time off […]

Wheel’y Fast MUni

I’ve been enjoying some fast MUni on the KH36 while collecting more footage to be used in the final edit of the KH36 Rollercoaster MUni movie. Just a couple of seconds left to work out and it will be done.

Redbull Rampage 2010

Mountain biking is INSANE these days – hi tech bikes, huge motocross crossover, including the mentally deranged mega skilled pilots. There are so many crazy videos from the 2010 Redbull Rampage it’s hard to pick a favourite, all of them have you thinking…. NO FRICKING WAY! So here’s a couple of my favorites: Being a […]

First MUni of Spring

Woohoo, first day of Spring! I stopped off at Trentham Falls this morning for a quick MUni fix to get the day rolling.

DeFender of Rain and Cold

It takes some convincing to head out for an off road ride in cold Winter rain but after the first few minutes you realize it’s well and truly worth it. Riding off road in the rain is great fun, equal parts peaceful and crazy slippery. Plus how else can you test if a new mudguard […]