Nudda Mudder

The cold and wet Winter weather across Victoria continues! Fortunately the local trails handle the rain well. You can get out for a ride pretty much as soon as the rain stops and arrive back home with a clean bike.
Drainage Day

We’ve had some good rain falls in the last week – probably the most Central Victoria has had in the last 12 months.
Not the Grand Canyon Fun

A fitting swansong for my much loved Mojo HD.
Trail Pack

Light rain overnight followed by a sunny, breezy day meant that by mid afternoon the fresh connector trail was in prime condition for some packing down Mojo HD style. I spent an hour and a half trucking back and forth over the tacky trail packing down the ride line. Lots of fun, and hardly a […]
Better Late Than Never

Wow, the long hot Summer has been replaced by short cool Autumn days and cold evenings. It’s taking a while for the body’s thermostat to adjust!
Not the Grand Canyon

I spent a couple of hours late in the day digging a little trail down an eroded gully. It might not be the Grand Canyon but it’s still a pretty cool setting. I’ve often walked along it and wondered what it would be like to ride it. Turns out it’s good fun. I went back […]
Scratching Around

Headed back out to Red Tape this arvo and scratched in some (more!) alternative lines in the top section, still in search of more fun factor before digging in. Hope it rides OK when I take the Mojo HD out on it tomorrow. One cool thing is there seems to be a reasonable amount of […]
Cutting Red Tape

Like a rabid rakehoe junkie I’ve been beavering away on a new section of trail, dubbed ‘Red Tape’. Hopefully it’ll end up being a fun little extension to an already fun loop but the hills ain’t giving up their secrets so readily this time around.