I started messing around with a trail down a little eroded gully (dubbed ‘Not the Grand Canyon‘) about three weeks ago. There’s still work to be done but it’s at the stage where it’s good fun to ride in both directions and is connected into the Woodbrook loop. If you ride out that way my tip is to drop into the canyon as fast as you’re game to – just line it up beforehand the first time!

Here’s a couple of stills grabbed from some video taken today.

Canyon Fun
Canyon Fun
Canyon Fun
Canyon Fun


6 Responses

  1. Where is the Woodbrook loop? I’m looking for WE trips out west. Sorry if this has been explained before. Cheers.

  2. Heya thanks Paul, cool.

    Thylaxene will email you a map. Hoping to post a proper map online in the coming weeks.

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