Goodbye old Buddy!

It’s been a fun and wild ride but it’s time to say goodbye old buddy! to my KH Schlumpf 24″ Geared Unicycle (GUni). It’s headed off to Canada, to a placed called Saskatchewan. With a name that cool I’d love to go there myself, heck I would love to go to anywhere in Canada.
XC GUni Bars in the wild

Don’t want to get all soppy, but huge thanks to the guys who ponied up their hard earned $$$ and purchased my XC GUni Bars. They are all now sold.
XC GUni Bars for Sale

Three hand crafted ‘XC GUni’ (unicycle handle) bars were produced in the same batch as the two I’ve used for the last 18 months or more on both my KH36 and KH24 GUni (and KH36 GUni before that).
Camelbak Cleaning Tabs – No More Slime

The Camelbak bladder has had a slimey feel for a while now… hmm yeah quite a long while. The Big Bite valve has also been leaking for ages, and the ergolock/tap which gets used a lot due to the leaky bit valve falls apart regularly. I’ve had the bits and pieces to address all of […]
Big Wheel MUni

It’s been almost 3 months since my last ride on a mountain unicycle, forgive me father! I’ve been back on a mountain bike and loving it. Doesn’t mean I won’t be doing MUni (Mountain Unicycling) any more though.
Poverty Gully

I last rode Poverty Gully in October 2008 on my way from Mt Franklin to Castlemaine on the KH29. Back then I arrived at Poverty Gully just on night fall, close to the end of a +30k MUni ride. It tested me out, as the lights of Castlemaine in the valley below seem so close […]
Blue Tongue

Not a new KH shoe accessory but a very cool Australian reptile. Like me and Didj the Blue Tongue lizard was out on the trail today catching some sun, warming up after the unusually cold weekend that saw snow fall across the Central Highlands – don’t see that very often in late Spring.
Late Afternoon Cruise

After a wild morning including snow across the Central Highlands — in October! — and passing storms things started to settle down just in time for a late afternoon cruise on the 36’er.