Campbells Creek Cycling Track

Victorian Goldfields Railway

With things starting to settle down after moving house it was time to get out on the 24″ GUni and make the most of a beautiful, clear Winter’s day.

Kalimna Park

We’ve been moving house the last couple of weeks and have also been offline (lots of spam comments posted to the blog, doh!)

Mineral Springs MUni

The section of Great Dividing Trail that connects Daylesford with Hepburn Springs is GREAT for mountain unicycling – 2okm of narrow, rugged, winding forest single track passing through a wide range of vegetation and terrain, taking in Lake Daylesford, Twin Bridges, Tipperary Springs, Bryces Flat, The Blowhole, Breakneck Gorge, Golden Springs, Jacksons Lookout and Hepburn […]

Mount Franklin

Mt Franklin MUni

Pretty cool ride today – mountain unicycling in the crater of an extinct volcano, and it’s only a 10 minute drive from home. True story!

Lushington Hill

I had a quick exploratory ride this afternoon at Lushington Hill, a small bush reserve that is slowly recovering from being completely pillaged during the 1800’s gold rush.

Albert Park Formula 1… GUni

I’ve never made it down to watch the Australian F1 Grand Prix at Albert Park in Melbourne, but for whatever reason I’ve always thought it would be fun to uni around an F1 circuit. As luck would have it this week I had a couple of appointments in Melbourne the day Albert Park re-opened to […]

The Pineys, Moonlight Flat

I headed up to Castlemaine today with the 24 GUni to explore an area known to locals as ‘The Pineys’ – a large pine plantation that also happens to contain over 25km of MTB single track.