#GetOutThere TV Commercial

My 15 seconds of fame!
36 inch Unicycle on MTB Gully Singletrack

Presenting the final cut of KH36 Rollercoaster movie!
GUni Mythbuster: Gear Shift Technique
Browse a Schlumpf MUni (Mountain Unicycle) Hub thread and it’s not long before you come across a post or two discussing gear shifting techniques and concerns. Like using a brake on a unicycle, shifting gears – done by tapping axle buttons with the side of your feet while riding – sounds like a death wish […]
First MUni of Spring

Woohoo, first day of Spring! I stopped off at Trentham Falls this morning for a quick MUni fix to get the day rolling.
Woodend II: Singletrack’s Revenge
The recent ride at Woodend got me thinking… of going back and riding more of the singletrack. The MTB trails in the Wombat Forest at Woodend are awesome for MUni, almost as if they were custom made for mountain unicycling! With the Freeride KH29’er ready to roll I took the video camera along to record […]
Unicycle Training Frame

Unicycling with the kids in years 3 through to 6 is going great! The kids have shown loads of enthusiasm and determination and are well on their way to unicycling off into the sunset 🙂
5 Days of Uni

Heya! A video blog of the last 5 days of uni, May 22nd – May 26th, 2009 including Day 1- KH24 MUni, Day 2 – KH36 XC Ride, Day 3 – KH20 at home, Day 4 – KH20 in the rain, Day 5 – Uni School & 29″ Cruising.
KH Freeride 29 Road Test

With the KH 29″ Freeride ready to ride and a beautiful Autumn afternoon calling I headed out to a challenging stretch of single track in the Wombat Forest. This particular track has always felt a little beyond the combination of my skill and the standard 29’er, and is also too far from home to ride […]