Celebrate the Ride

Celebrate the ride

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been in the groove, I think mainly due to a crash I had back in mid January where I smacked the left side of my head and left shoulder heavily into a tree. My neck has felt like a messed up pile of square ball bearings ever since […]

Old Buzzard & The Night Mojo

Night Mojo

Headed out with Hozza for another night adventure, this time to a steep gully crossing that finds its way into most of my rides.

Tree Hugger

Tree Hugger, The Pineys, MTB Casltemaine

I’ve been feeling a little out of whack the last few days and should’ve opted for an easy cruise today but instead headed out to the Pineys. Not surprisingly it was only 10 minutes or so into the ride before I’d wrapped myself around a pine tree, watching the bike bounce on down the trail […]

Svelte Sugar

Ibis Mojo HD

With all the riding over the last few weeks Mojo HD was starting to look pretty grubby, time for a good clean. The HD scrubs up really well, highlighting its svelte and sugary carbon fibre lines.

Flight of the Nocturnal Ibis

Nocturnal Ibis Mojo HD

It’s been ages since I’ve used the Ay-Up Lights as there’s been no need for night riding to escape the Summer heat  — it only made a brief appearance. Bit of a bummer in a way as being out in the bush at night is great fun. So with the days getting shorter and the […]

Magic Clipping Tree

Keep clipping this tree!

Dunno what it is with this one tree in particular. I just seem to keep clipping it with the end of the handlebar.

Autumn Burn

Autumn Burn Poster

Autumn officially starts in less than week but already we’ve had a couple of crisp days and nights. It’s been a cracker of a Summer really, relatively mild, lots of rain but much rather rain than the usual searing, dry heat and bushfire risk. Love Autumn though, typically awesome weather for being active outdoors.

Mt Tarrengower MTB Fossils

Downhill Mountain Biking, Mount Tarrengower Victoria Australia

An antiques and collectables fair has been on at Maldon this weekend, strangely including two fossil MTB guys who ended up on Mt Tarrengower’s downhill Valley run admist a sea of downhilling youngin’s.