Topeak BarXtender

A helmet mounted GoPro HERO Wide camera captures a cool point of view but it’s not long before the itch for alternative mounting locations sets in. There aren’t too many mounting options on a unicycle that are readily accessible, just the seat tube and seat post, and my XC GUNI Handlebars.
GoPro Helmet HERO Wide

It’s not easy being a lone unicyclist in the forest… well actually that’s not true, more often than not it’s absolutely fantastic! Occasionally though it’d be great to have something – pictures or video – to show family and friends why riding unicycles off road is so enjoyable. It’s not always so easy to get […]
KH Freeride 29 Road Test

With the KH 29″ Freeride ready to ride and a beautiful Autumn afternoon calling I headed out to a challenging stretch of single track in the Wombat Forest. This particular track has always felt a little beyond the combination of my skill and the standard 29’er, and is also too far from home to ride […]