Spring Equinox – A little movie

Heya, here’s a little video I’ve made — it’s been a wee labor of love the last month or so. I guess it’s about the Spring wildflowers, magpies and mountain biking… or it could be about a mid 40’s guy having yet another immensely enjoyable mid life crisis.

Hippie’s Descent

I’ve really been enjoying the Hippie Track lately — it’s a classic if short MTB loop that basically consists of one sustained climb including a couple of steeper sections, followed by one high speed single track descent dropping you back where you started. You can cruise the loop but the descent rewards commitment with a […]

5 Days of Uni

Heya!  A video blog of the last 5 days of uni, May 22nd – May 26th, 2009 including Day 1- KH24 MUni, Day 2 – KH36 XC Ride, Day 3 – KH20 at home, Day 4 – KH20 in the rain, Day 5 – Uni School & 29″ Cruising.