Camelbak Cleaning Tabs – No More Slime
The Camelbak bladder has had a slimey feel for a while now… hmm yeah quite a long while. The Big Bite valve has also been leaking for ages, and the ergolock/tap which gets used a lot due to the leaky bit valve falls apart regularly. I’ve had the bits and pieces to address all of […]
RIP Five Ten Sam Hill
Five Ten Karvers sure take ages to dry out. To help speed up the process I’ve had them sitting on the roof of the house since the Chinamans Point ride the other day, toasting away in the spring sun.
Yankz! Sure Lace System
There are several natural enemies of the unicyclist. Loose shoe laces are one of them. Even though I double knot the thick laces on my 5.10’s every now and then they come undone during a ride, not good! I’ve had pair of Yankz! laces in the cupboard for a few months and decided it was […]
Kris Holm Gloves
Over 6 months of wear and tear the Kris Holm Gloves continue to do the job!