Trentham Falls MUni Breakfast

Step Practice, Trentham Falls

It’s only a 10 minute detour from the school drop off route to Trentham Falls, so with a wild Winter wind blowing I thought I’d treat myself to a MUni breakfast in the sheltered falls area. While a few people visit the falls on weekends, generally on weekday mornings there isn’t a person to be […]

Macedon Regional Park Cycling Trail

Happy MUni Camper

I headed out to Mount Macedon today looking for a off road loop suitable for the next monthly MUni ride on August 9th. The single track MTB trails at Woodend would be great to use but are just too wet at this time of the year, and with the busy MTB weekend traffic on the […]

Led Zepplins

The KH24 has been getting dusty lately, but not from use on the trail. I’ve been considering selling it over the last couple of months as not many of the forest rails close to our house require a 24″ unicycle for the most part – though the 24″ was my main ride before the bigger […]


Ok now this is SWEET! My first off road (mountain) unicycle – the Kris Holm 24″ MUni!