I had a lot of fun participating in last year’s 6 Hour Cyclic Navigator – a MTB Orienteering event held annually in the Wombat Forest.
On the morning of the event you receive the map. The aim is to gather as many points as you can by passing through as many of the control points on the map as you can, via whatever route you think works best. Control points are worth different amounts and you must return inside of the six hours or lose points, so strategy plays a large part in the event especially in the last couple of hours. It’s great fun.
The Cyclic Navigator is on again at the end of November, not far off at all considering I’ve been out of action the last few weeks due to a leg injury but I’m really looking forward to giving it another go. I rode the 36’er last year with 137mm cranks which worked well. This year I’m planning to ride the 24 GUni. I think it’ll be a lot tougher (and slower) on the GUni but it’s something I’ve got to try at least once 🙂
I was the first unicyclist to participate in the event last year. This year there are currently two entered, hopefully we’ll get a few more before entries close on November 24th. The local newspaper did a lead up story for the event, including some fun photos taken in the forest near my place.
WHEEL BE FINE: Unicyclist Pete Walsh will compete again in the annual Cyclic Navigator mountain biking event through Muskvale, Spargo Creek, Mollongghip and Eganstown later this month. He is hoping other one-wheel fanciers will rise to the challenge and join him for the event.
The headline for the unrelated main story – ‘Funds for Hub caps years of waiting‘ –Â on the front page is kinda funny. The geared hub does come with a cap, and there was definitely some waiting while funds were gathered. Check out the full story at the Hepburn Shire Advocate and the Cyclic Navigator site.

You Rule!
Go Unicycling!
Yeah ! Good Luck in the Event!
Your biggest fan
Thanks big Fan! 🙂