Wet Wombat Forest Loop

After a few days of wet and cold weather it was time to head back out into the Wombat Forest. The tracks were ultra slippery, many UPD’s and lots of laughs followed. Sitting on the 36″ starts to feel high when it’s out of control, especially sliding out from under you on slippery tracks.
Moment Eating Schlumpf

Unfortunately nothing I do seems to stop my Schlumpf hub from eating Moment cranks. By that I mean eventually a crank (on either side) will progressively move close to the frame to the point of almost touching it – at which time I replace the cranks rather than damage either myself, the frame or the […]
KH36 Schlumpf GUNI – The Perfect XC Uni?

Could the KH36 GUNI be the perfect uni? Maybe! I have really been enjoying riding my KH36 GUNI.
Trailer Track

Another favorite ride of mine is the Trailer Track Loop – a fun mix of dirt road, fire trails, bush and single track, climbs and descents in the Wombat Forest, Victoria Australia. The highlight is the descent down to the Loddon River on the Trailer Track which drops down through the bush to the river, […]
Thoughts on Gear Shifting

Only my second day out on the GUNI but it’s going well. Some things I’ve noticed with gear changing:

With the frame compatibility problems sorted out it was finally time to assemble the KH29 GUNI!
Schlumpf Hub Arrives!

My Schlumpf hub arrived today! It’s a 2 speed unicycle hub with 1:1 and 1:1.5 gearing. 1:1.5 for example turns a 29″ uni into a virtual 43″ – crazy stuff! After a lot of indecision I’ve decided my first GUNI (Geared Unicycle) will be a 29″, primarily because I expect it will take some time […]