The most fun thing you can do with a unicycle, IMO anyway, is ride it off road. I think a LOT more people would unicycle off road if a) they knew it was possible and b) had a mix of good MUni equipment and suitable trails to experience it first hand, summarized in the… MUni Contagia Equation:
(Anyone who can ride a unicycle + good MUni equipment) x Suitable trails = MUni Contagia
Today’s MUni Victim: Joell. Age: 11. Started riding: A few weeks ago! First MUni: Today
(Joell + Nimbus ISIS Trails 20″) x Wombat Forest in Winter Rain = MUni Contagia

If you know someone who can unicycle but has never ridden off road, lend them a MUni and get them off road one way or another.

hi pete u rule and joell iz mii brother!!!!
Joell rulez! Check out some new pics at the Skate Park 🙂
Hi pete AGAIN um kool video it rulz man so hows life? mines kool since ive been wiv uz 4 awhile by the way