A 1x drivetrain seems to have always been part of the plan for the Ibis Mojo HD, one clue being that the bike’s rear suspension is optimized for 32-36 tooth chain rings. Ibis also had MRP produce a custom Mini-G2 chain guide that attaches to the HD via the BB and lower link pivot bolt.
I hadn’t messed with a chain guide before, and turns out that didn’t matter as the MRP guide is easy to fit and set, and just does the job. Positioned correctly there’s no chain rub on the upper guide in any gear, it’s only the whir of chain over the lower pulley that lets you something is going on.

My only gripe with the G2 is that the rear bolt in the top guide (that helps hold the two halves of the top guide together) screws into plastic, would much prefer a metal nut. Other than that the G2 on the HD seems bombproof. Thanks to the upper guide and lower pulley the chain ain’t going anywhere, and the thick polycarbonate skid provides ample protection for the chain ring. Gunk does seem prone to build up around the lower pulley, but I should do a better job of keeping the drivetrain clean.
I am attempting to copy what you have done with your drive train. Ordered mrp g2 for my new HD. It arrived without the stainless mounting bolt. Four emails later still have not resolved this issue!!!!!