After a few days of sunny weather the MTB Singletrack at Woodend was primed to be in great condition for Monthly MUni 04! The weather gods have certainly smiled on us over the last few MUni rides.
Not so good on the home front though as I woke up weak, dizzy and shaking with the gastro flu that is making it’s way through our household and around the region lately – change of season bug I guess that seems to happen each year. It was a day of sucking it up (literally, eewww !) and making the best of it as MUni called.
Thanks to the local and Melbourne guys who made it a fun day. With minimal signage to go by everyone (well… we thought it was everyone) managed to meet up at the second entry point to the Wombat MTB Singletrack and we headed off just after 11.30am.
The ride route was all single track apart from the shortcut back to the cars at the end of the day, bypassing the steeper trails on the eastern side of the dividing road.
The group gathered around numerous challenges along the way.

There was singletrack, lots of twisty, narrow singletrack!

And quite a few rest stops along the way.

I felt dizzy and disorientated towards the end of the ride, like we were riding in circles – not so handy when you are meant to be giving directions. Luckily singletrack is just that – all we needed to do was follow it until it crossed the main dirt road that lead back to the cars.
The end of ride photo turned into something else. What exactly? No idea! 🙂
We discovered a note written on my unwashed van from Morgan. Sorry mate, next time!

Then the worst news of the ride – we headed into the bakery at Woodend and they had sold out of their legendary vanilla slices…. NOOOOOOO!
The Melbourne guys headed for home while the local gang messed around for an hour or so on uni’s in the nearby parklands at Woodend.
Fun day, thanks all. I’m off to sleep.
Next Monthly MUni: Sunday October 4th
looks like a fun ride, at least it wasn’t pouring with rain this time!!! i’m off to ride around Rottnest Island today, hopefully i don’t run over any quokas…..
yeah Daniel, was a good day and the track was very dry compared to the day we rode the full loop in the rain (skipped the steep section yesterday as it wouldn’t have fitted in).
Bummer to be unwell, half the gang are at home today with the same thing.
Have a good ride, would be great to see pics of uni on Rottnest!
Any news on the next muni ride?
I’m still out of action so haven’t been able to organize this month’s MUni ride unfortunately. Have updated the monthly MUni page.
Best chance for this month is the 22nd if my leg/foot heals ok, otherwise next MUni will be Dec 13.
Big Hi to Pete and all those who ride unicycle with him.
I’ve enjoyed reading the many blogs and photo postings on UPD website and hope to join you guys for a muni or 36 trail soon.
I have been learning on one wheel since Oct09 and havn’t riden with another unicyclist before.
Very impressed with the website Pete – keep up the great work…… Tony (much better than my blog).
heya Tony, thanks for posting. Sorry for the delay in replying.
All going well there should be a MUni or 36’er ride mid March. Hopefully there won’t be any/many hot days left – lovely and cool ATM. Still working out where the ride would be, will post to the site in the next few days hopefully.