If there’s one thing that will derail the upcoming Cyclic Navigator event it will probably be the record heat that the lower half of Australia has been enduring this Spring. Bush fire risk could postpone the event which is fair enough, but it’s more if the event goes ahead in +30 degrees celcius that will bother me.

Even though I was raised in the hot and humid tropics I don’t enjoy participating in events in really hot conditions. Doesn’t make sense really, at home I’d just wait until it cooled down – anything under 25 degrees celcius suits me, under 20 even better! I also don’t like wearing a helmet when not necessary, so donning a helmet as a requirement for events adds to the temperature.
So… I’ve been working on my heat tolerance, riding in the middle of the day heat, wearing a helmet. I overdid the riding yesterday so today had a long but easy session practicing gear shifts, followed by a 5km 25-30km/h sprint in high gear concentrating on spinning lightly, ending with a soak in the creek.
Conclusion: It was hot 😀
Uni Bitch opted to spend some time in the creek while I rode… clever hey!

Just about time to wipe down the Schlumpf hub.

The home made GUni bar is working great, and has survived many UPD’s no problems.