I got a cool gift from my fam for my birthday, a GoPro Chesty strap, but haven’t had a chance to mess around with it as I’ve been sick with the flu since and haven’t been out on the bike. Such a nice day outside today I thought screw the flu, I’m outta here.
What started out as a light cruise turned into a fun fang, just too hard to resist though I started to pay for it not long after getting home. Oh well, that’s what meds are for. Didj the dog was clearly amused by it all 😛

Thought I had taken into account body position when angling the camera in the mount for a looking forward view, but obviously not. Funny to get home and see all the video virtually pointing to the ground, just taking in the handlebar. Still, got some funky shots though with all the blurred ground whizzing by the video is maybe not so enjoyable to watch. Will get it sorted next time around maybe.

Hey mate glad you got a chest cam, To get the best viewing angle you need to mount the camera like the image shows in the link. This is so when leaning forward it sits vertical, also note the camera is upside dwn this way so you need to flip it to upside down mode in the settings. Hope this helped.
Heya thanks for that. I messed around with the Chesty again today and got the angle sorted, close enough anyway. Guess it’s times like that the LCD BacPac accessory would come in handy, though the trial and error without it is kinda fun. Some of the first attempt chesty straight down shots were funky 🙂
I switch between mounts that use the camera the right way up and upside down – too lazy to switch the menu mode back and forth on the trail so just flip the video when I watch it on the PC.
Trial and error is the way to go!
I have the BackPack accessory but it doesn’t work to well with the chest mount because of the added depth it adds to the unit. You can’t achieve certain angles when you use it…..
Anyways, hope your feeling better, Can’t wait till the trails are dry and you start pumping out some awesome footage. I can’t ride for 5 months because of shoulder surgery so blogs like this keep me inspired.
All the best with your shoulder. Not doing stuff while resting and healing can kinda suck!