This is why we ride
Sacred Rides asked mountain bikers around the world a simple question
Chris Akrigg Five
Check out the new ‘Five’ video from Chris Akrigg, back from breaking his leg… twice! It’s gotta be one of the best MTB videos I’ve seen for ages.
Alice Springs – MTB Bucket List

Anyone who has spent time in Central Australia knows it is something truly extraordinary. Ancient, rugged, intense and insanely alive. Literally and figuratively it’s the heart of Australia.
Through the Mill

Just over a year ago Chris Akrigg snapped his femur when a trials move on a cliff didn’t go to plan. He’s back and riding better than ever. Check out his latest video Through the Mill. Inspirational stuff!
Industrial Revolutions
Another inspiring Danny Macaskill video. This guy is as close to the trials messiah on wheels as it gets I reckon. Every move looks so fluid and natural (ignoring the gazillion hours of practice etc of course!) Really enjoyed how Industrial Revolutions was shot too – composition, lighting, shallow depth of field, awesome industrial setting.
10 Things I have learned about Mountain Biking
Gravity is awesome, Suspension is fun, You value what you earn, We are small… Saw this video posted on the Ibis forums on MTBR. Great view of MTB, spec’y scenery too. Wonder what my ten things would be…. hmm, dunno but I gotta get out for a ride today 🙂
I’d rather be Klunking
MTB 1970’s style. Dirty, stinking hippies… love it! 🙂 Klunking is best away from the cops, the cars and the concrete. Yeah I’d rather be klunking too!
Atherton Project 2011
I’ve definitely become an Atherton Project junkie, some classic episodes this year too. Following the Gee, Rachel and Dan’s progress from race to race makes for good viewing, but it’s their off track antics that set it off imo. Episode 4: Rides in Redbull acrobatic plane Episode 3: A visit from Danny Macskill Episode 1: […]