Warning: If you haven’t been present at the birth of a unicycle you should consider looking away 🙂

I’m proud to announce that at 5.03 pm today Baby 12 as born!

GUni 36’er had been acting unusually lately, not as keen to go out on rides. I thought nothing of it as I’d always assumed GUni was just a lazy guy like me, turns out GUni is a gal. Go figure!

With the coffee machine turned on and camera at the ready the onset of labour began.

Onset of Labour
Onset of Labour

It was a potentially difficult birth.

Potentially Difficult Birth
Potentially Difficult Birth

Fortunately Dr Wii was on hand to assist with the delivery and weigh Baby 12, a bouncing 12″ Learner unicycle.

Dr Wii delivers the news
Dr Wii delivers the news

Low air pressure gave everyone a scare. It turned out to be a faulty tire pump.

Low pressure scare
Low pressure scare

GUni and Baby 12 resting.

GUni and Baby 12 resting
GUni and Baby 12 resting

Members of the family visit.

Members of the family visit
Members of the family visit

Close your eyes if you haven’t attended a birth, you really don’t want to see this next image.

After birth

2 Responses

  1. Questions have already been raised about the identity of Baby 12’s father.

    I have to be honest here and admit I have ridden GUni, but I am not the father.

    I do have my suspicions though, in no particular order:

    – Keanu Reeves – a glitch in the Matrix
    – The Fedex guy – he always looks guilty of something
    – Immaculate conception – so many guys uni for the lord, I’m thinking he digs uni

  2. What a lovely set of photos of mum and baby, I think I can see a family resemblance, I think it is the shoulders.
    Could the father be K.H? He does seem to leave his mark on a lot of uni’s.

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