Turned 42 today. Best way to celebrate? A muddy MUni ride!
As luck would have it Daniel from Melbourne had time for a ride before heading off to Western Australia so we met outside of Woodend to have a crack at the complete Wombat MTB Single Track loop.
The day started out cool and sunny with a small mob of kangaroos sunning themselves as we arrived at the trail entry in the van, love the aussie bush! The single track was already wet, muddy, slippery and chewed up from earlier rain and MTB traffic. The sky closed in and about 1/4 of the way into the loop the rain came down and we pushed on – now mega greasy clay single track, lots of water and mud, wheel spinning and sliding, UPD’s, laughing, swearing — awesome fun. Tough conditions can really bring a ride to life 🙂
Three and half hours later we’d completed the loop, soaking wet and muddy. The single track has so many great sections of riding, a perfect match for a 29’er MUni.
The pics taken during a break in the rain don’t really tell the story, awesome ride!
what an awesome way to spend a winter day…even if it did take me half and hour to wash all the mud out of my clothes!!! haha. great fun, hope to do it again soon.
hehey thanks Daniel. All the best in WA and SA. Hope we can squeeze in a ride next time you’re back in Vic.