Three hand crafted ‘XC GUni’ (unicycle handle) bars were produced in the same batch as the two I’ve used for the last 18 months or more on both my KH36 and KH24 GUni (and KH36 GUni before that).
There were two main iterations of the bar before this final version. Read the original XC GUni Bar post back in May 2009
XC GUni bars are super burly bars that can take many beatings, yet only weigh around 400grams. The bar replaces the front bumper, replicating its functionality, and retains the brake under the seat positioning. It offers a bunch of hand positions, and you fit your own bar ends. GREAT on a geared unicycle or larger wheeled single speed uni.
You can view lots of pictures of the XC GUni Bar here, and videos of the XC GUni Bar here
For those familiar with the T7 bar, the GUni bar primary hand position is further forward and lower, but not by a huge amount. It is significantly wider though.
I had hoped to find a way to produce the bars economically but sadly it seems production of most things in Australia is a lost cause.

If you’re interested there are a few things you need to know before buying one:
Firstly to be able to fit and use the XC Guni Bar you MUST already have:
– A current KH Fusion Freeride saddle
– A KH Stiffener/saddle reinforcement plate
– bike bar ends of your choice
While the bars will work ok with most body shapes they were tuned to someone around my size. I’m 174cm, about 74kg.
At this stage there is no plan to produce any more XC GUni bars, so there are no spare parts, exchanges or returns. I just have three spare here that I hope to sell to help pay for the process of making the bars originally.
Cost wise – keep in mind they weren’t made in a sweat shop or factory but by an Alu craftsman here in Australia.
XC GUni Bar: $130 AU
Postage cost to USA as example: $18.00 AU
If you’ve got this far, congrats! Maybe check out the original XC GUni Bar post back in May 2009
If you’d like to buy one contact me!
1 XC GUni Bar sold, 2 remaining! 🙂
All XC GUni bars sold. Many thanks guys!