The KH24″ ride last week got me all hot and sweaty — for more technical small wheel riding. I headed back to Twin Bridges in cold Autumn rain with my KH20″ to start working on the ‘Winter Steps Challenge’. By the end of Winter the aim is to be able to ride up and down all sets of steps on the Twin Bridges trail on as many wheel sizes as possible.

After convincing myself that I really did want to start riding the biggest set of steps, slippery and muddy in the cold Autumn rain, I headed out and had a GREAT time. So peaceful riding in the rain, and not another person to be seen.
I took the tire pump along and tweaked the pressure as like the KH24″ I’d been running the tire on the KH20″ too low, leading to the tire sometimes folding sideways and/or sometimes bottoming out on landing. With the tire pressure sorted the first mission was to start on hopping all the way down, a ‘get to know you’ introduction to the steps I guess. By the end of the session rain and sweat were dripping off the helmet!

It’s a cool thing with unicycling – when the time is right and you’re ready, everything seems to just fit together. Today felt like that.
Soaked through, I had to return home to find some dry clothes before heading out to Bullarto School to run a unicycle session with the kids. I don’t think they or their parents would be too enthused by a riding session in the Autumn rain, so we watched Defect instead 🙂