Three weeks since the AC Joint reconstruction surgery. While things are continuing to improve, I can feel some frustration creeping in. It’s important to keep it in check though as now that I’ve started to feel and move better there’s the risk of doing something stupid and screwing things up.
Highlights for the week:
- Started driving car again. It’s not super comfortable, especially changing gears with my left arm, but it’s OK.
- Rolled around on MTB for 5-10 minutes up and down driveway. Felt so good to be on the bike, WHOOT! The smallest bumps felt huge though as they shook through my shoulder. Realistically trail riding is a way off (probably January 2016 I’m thinking) but I’m going to start riding the Mojo around town on sealed roads from now on.
- Have started strengthening exercises in addition to ROM. Movement and strength is a long way down on my good shoulder arm – which is disheartening at times – but is improving each day.
- It’s been an up and down weak for pain. I’ve been doing a lot more with the arm and taking a lot less pain medication so I guess it’s not surprising that my body has cracked the shits with me a few times… but yeah some days the pain has sucked a bit.
So all up, pretty happy with how things are going!