Unicycling with the kids in years 3 through to 6 is going great! The kids have shown loads of enthusiasm and determination and are well on their way to unicycling off into the sunset 🙂
The lack of suitable fixed railings at the school made the initial learning feel trickier than it already is. I got to work on a portable training frame — one that could comfortably fit 8 unicyclists, fit in the back of the van along with the unicycles and take a short amount of time to assemble/disassemble.
When not in use at the weekly Daylesford Unicycling Get Together the training frame is assembled in a corner of the tennis court at the school so the kids can unicycle whenever it fits in — during lunch hours, after school and one weekly session during school time.
The kids are progressing well, mainly riding around the frame in both directions:
- Holding frame with both hands
- Holding frame with one hand, other hand supported by a person (some don’t require this step)
- Holding frame with one hand
- Holding frame with one hand and riding off every now and then
- Riding away from the frame supported on one hand by a person
- Riding away from the frame, solo, woohoo!

Everyone agrees that the training frame has been a big help!

I like the frame because it really helps people if they don’t know how to unicycle.
We liked the frame too, when we were learning to ride, it made it a lot easier to learn. Thanks Peter for teaching us and giving up your time.