So what’s your favorite trail? For a long while I didn’t have a favorite trail at Derby. It tended to depend on trail conditions and whatever mood I was in at the time.
Trouty changed all that though. It’s a ripper of a trail, hand built for the Enduro World Series round held in April.
I’ve got to admit Trouty intimidated me the first time I rolled down it. I felt right on the edge taking the little Mojo 3 trail bike down its steep rocky chutes and wondered if I’d ever feel comfortable on it. Thing is all a lot of that fear and discomfort shit exists only in the mind – which I was quickly reminded of after taking an enduro bike down Trouty some time later and finding the trail so much easier, a LOT of fun actually!

So basically I just had to HTFU, relax and send the Mojo 3 down it. Lesson learned. Within a few runs I was in love. From high speed single track speedway to massive boulders, rock slabs and chutes each segment of the run is packed with awesome features. Trouty became my go to Derby trail, my favorite by far. It’s a cool fish, with sharp teeth if you mess it up BTW. If you haven’t ridden it do yourself a favor and get it done!