It’s only a 10 minute detour from the school drop off route to Trentham Falls, so with a wild Winter wind blowing I thought I’d treat myself to a MUni breakfast in the sheltered falls area. While a few people visit the falls on weekends, generally on weekday mornings there isn’t a person to be seen and with the recent rain and wattles coming into flower it’s an idyllic way to start the day.
I’ve ridden around the falls a few times on the KH20 so for a change I took the KH24 along to explore more of the unmapped tracks in the area and see how riding the 24 compared to the 20 in that environment.

The falls are located on Coliban River (which is more like a small creek) and often run dry. With the recent rain though there’s a reasonable flow over the falls — great fun to practice MUni skills in the mist spray of a waterfall!

The trail down to the base of the falls is tough and a bit scary TBH – rocky and narrow, with a steep drop on one side down to the river. Will take a lot more practice to clear it, and bring some leg armor along!
There are also several sets of wooden steps leading down to the falls viewing platform that start off easy and gentle, progressively becoming more difficult. It’s a great place to practice a bunch of skills with the roar of the falls nearby.
It’s satisfying to feel my uni skills related to trials starting to shape up. Really I think it’s like a lot of other uni skills — you need to uni in an environment that require those skills on an appropriate uni and skill development happens automatically, else it’s unlikely those skills are ever going to magically improve.