After many hours of digging. scraping, sweating and hoping it’s finally a wrap for the single track at Bress Winery, ready to go for the BressXpress MTB ride this coming Sunday. Good timing too as the storm clouds rolled over just as we finished riding a few celebratory laps. There looks to be a good chance of light rain throughout the week which should settle it down nicely.
The property has a relatively small change in elevation so in the absence of grinding climbs and fanging descents, from a rider’s point of view it was important the single track flowed well. It also needed to suit a wide range of skill level. I think it does both of those things, with some fun bits thrown in and plenty of room to add more in the future.
The whole process has been a real eye opener, and I’ve definitely gained a deeper appreciation of the work that has gone into the local trails I enjoy.