The relocation of the weekly unicycling meet to the local Skate Park provided all the excuse needed to head back there today for a ‘get to know you’ session and continue to work on my trials skills.
I took 20 and 24 uni’s along and had a lot of fun in the middle of the day as the storm clouds passed over, including a few self timer pics with my little compact digi—cam, shamelessly photoshopped.
After mainly riding the 29 and 36 off road since late last year, I’ve really been enjoying the unbreakable and springy feel of the 24 and 20 wheels while I work on improving my trials skills. Hard to say which out of the 20 and 24 I prefer when it comes to just tooling around. For sure the 20 is light and feels indestructible and great to learn new skills on, but the fatter tire on the 24 makes up for its extra weight and sometimes just feels like a more natural size uni to me, even in a skate park.

Being a mixed up left AND right hander one of the hardest things with unicycling can be working out which hand/foot combination, which direction etc feels most natural, so generally I’ve been practicing all skills using the two best feeling combinations.

One local BMX rider dropped by while I was there, scootering around with no chain on his bike. BMX bikes are so fluid and cool to watch in a skate park setting. We both rode around doing our own thing, stopping for a chat every now and then. The BMX’er even gave the uni a go, nice!

Amazingly enough no major UPD’s today. I took leg armor and a helmet along but didn’t get around to putting either on, lucky all round I guess. My arms and legs feel well used tonight, so I guess it’s mission accomplished 🙂