With my Mojo 3 in the workshop getting its faulty KS Lev repaired, it was a great opportunity to dust off the HD3 and head for Mystic MTB Park, located in a pine plantation just outside of the town center of Bright.
With limited time on the first visit I rode lower (and easier) trails including Grevid’s Way, Gorilla Warfare, Caros Track, Twisties and the Pump Track. Though riding in pine plantations isn’t my favorite thing – much prefer being in native Australian bush – it was good fun to be rolling around on unfamiliar trail.
In search of more gnar I returned to Mystic a few days later, heading up the ~1840ft road climb to the summit in the heat of the day. Gotta say, even when it’s just grinding up a dirt road, the HD3 climbs so well. I can see why shuttle days at Mystic are so popular though – it’s not really a climb you’d want to do more than once in a day.
After taking in the view over the town and surrounds there’s not much else to do but choose a way down. With the Mystic DH trail closed due to the upcoming Nationals event I headed down the All Mountain Track, before trucking across to Eigers, Tree Hugger, Rhys’s and ending on Gully.It was definitely a fun descent! Up top things are tight, steep, rocky, rooty, super dry and dusty, with fairly chewed out little chutes. All hand built, and good fun on the HD3! The trails progressively mellow as you loose elevation, though remain reasonably tight overall.
Looking forward to getting back to Mystic, either for a shuttle day or on a locals ride, and learning my way around the park a little better.