Headed out to Muckleford State Forest this arvo to learn my way around the trails. I’d been out there last weekend with the Wombat MTB crew who were checking things out for the upcoming Mountain Challenge Enduro race.
Just as I left home the rain clouds that had been hanging around all day finally opened up. Half thought of turning back but glad I didn’t. There was hardly a puddle on the single track, though the wet leaves, mossy rocks, sticks and hardpack were definitely on the slick side — will be less so after a few more wheels have ridden over the trails.
The single track stretches for quite a few kilometres, including some sweet sections of fast, flowing but tight trail through which you can carry a surprising amount of momentum. The Muckleford State Forest is typical Goldfields bush – lots of mines, quartz, loose rocks over hard pack, harsh and dry, not much soil to make mud… lots of potential for MTB!
Nice looking track now added to my ride list… one problem though. The music in the video makes me want to watch the Matrix not go riding…! 😉 Todo buy Matrix on blu-ray….
Matrix box set on blu-ray is a must! 😛