In 2011 Ibis announced the Ripley, a 29er trail bike with 120mm of travel. The announcement created a sizeable ‘I want a Ripley and I want it now’ feeding frenzy amongst the faithful but mindful of lengthy back order issues with other models Ibis pledged to only release the Ripley when it was well and truly ready to rock and roll. ‘Believe it or not’ today marks the official launch of the Ripley. Let the discussions regarding chainstay length, headtube angles and toptube lengths begin in earnest!
The standout feature of the Ripley is the dual-eccentric dw-link suspension. The eccentrics are hidden inside the seat tube, replacing traditional upper and lower linkages. Clever, clean, elegant. Cool stuff.

While the Ripley doesn’t feature Ibis’s signature Mojo styling, the svelte and sexy lines of the carbon fiber frame is unmistakable Ibis. Look away now if you’re under 18 yrs old 🙂

Development on the Ripley actually started in 2007. Interestingly it was initially destined to be a 26″ race orientated bike, then a 26″ and 29″, and finally a 29″. Check out Bike Magazine’s Exclusive “Blueprint” R&D story on the Ripley and why it was so long in development.
According to Ibis guys who have ridden the Ripley describe it as a ‘stiff, snappy, nimble, light and plush’ trail bike. Evan Plews has certainly been getting great mileage in endurance events from his Ripley prototype, and then there’s that Lopes guy who hangs around Ibis HQ. I’m looking forward to seeing a video of him putting the Ripley through its paces.

I’d love to test ride a Ripley for sure. Maybe Meeco, the Australian distributor for Ibis, will again be present at the Melrose Fat Tire Festival with demo bikes. Hope so!
For more information regarding the Ripley visit the Ibis mothership.